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We have all seen cats eat grass...but why do they do it? Listed below are some suggestions that have been put forward over the years:

In his book, "Cat World" Desmond Morris points out that it is the juices of the grass that  cats are interested in, and it is known that these juices contain  folic acid, a vitamin that is vital to cats as it helps in the production of haemoglobin. For a cat to be deficient in folic acid would stunt its growth and may cause anaemia.

If you have an indoor cat this could become a problem, if it has no access to a garden you will probably find your cat nibbling at  houseplants. You can purchase small trays containing grass seeds, just add some water and within a few days your cat has a lush supply to chew on. Alternatively, I have seen a folic acid supplement that you can add to your cat's food.

Be careful if you give your pet grass from lawns, fields, under hedgerows etc. The grass could contain weedkiller or other chemicals that could be poisonous.

[ Ethylene Glycol and Cats ] [ Animal CPR ] [ Plants Toxic to Cats ] [ Safe Cat Repellents ]