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Safe Cat Repellents

Cats, although we love them, can sometimes be a nuisance in the home or garden. Especially when they start digging-up and soiling certain areas of your garden, or scratching an item of furniture indoors. If you are having similar problems it may become necessary to take some form of action to control your pet, or indeed, other cats who may take a fancy to your garden.

Of course it is always better to try to understand why a particular cat is behaving in a damaging or destructive manner and attempt to discourage it by training. However, this is not always possible especially if the offending cat belongs to somebody else.

The thing not to do is experiment with different types of chemicals, like bleaches, chemical cleaners etc as these could injure or be fatal to a cat or kitten, not to mention other wild life in the garden. It is possible to purchase repellent sprays from pet shops. But another alternative is the use of these two cheap, easy to obtain and safe to use items.


This is perhaps, more suited for use indoors. Just rub a raw onion over the area you wish your pet to stop paying attention to, and the smell will deter it for many hours to come, in fact long after you fail to smell it.


Cats hate it! Perhaps this is better suited for use in the garden, although there is no reason why you can't use it indoors if you so wish. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the offending cat won't decide to move to a different chair leg or favoured plant in the garden.

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