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[ Alphabetical Listing of Coat Colours and Patterns ] [ Alphabetical Listing of Cat Breeds ]

Alphabetical Table of Feline Gestation Times

This table represents the average time between felines mating and giving birth. A cat can delay giving birth by several days if conditions are unsuitable for her kittens, of if she is severely stressed.


African Wildcat 58  Days Jaguarundi 67 Days
Black-Footed Cat 67 Jungle Cat 66
Bobcat 63 Leopard 96
Canadian Lynx 61 Leopard Cat 66
Caracal 71 Lion 110
Cheetah 92 Northern Lynx 69
Clouded Leopard 88 Ocelot 75
Domestic Cat 65 Puma 93
European Wild Cat 63 - 68 Sand Cat 61
Fishing Cat 63 Serval 73
Geoffroy's Cat 75 Snow Leopard 99
Indian Desert Cat 62 Tiger 103
Jaguar 101 Tiger Cat 75