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Alphabetical Listing of Coat Colours and Patterns


Colour forms and patterns increase over the years as breeders develop new variants. This listing is reasonably comprehensive, but is subject to change. If you have any suggestions or amendments, I would be pleased to hear from you.

Agouti (Banded hairs. Also known as ticked) Mackerel (Mackerel Tabby or Striped Tabby)
Auburn (Golden brown) Maculate ( Same as Spotted coat)
Bi-colour (White with dark patches of colour) Magpie (Black and white)
Black (Also known as ebony) Mink (Brown)
Blotched (Also blotched or classic tabby) Orange (Marmalade, red, or ginger)
Blue (Dilution of black = pale to slate grey) Parti-colour (Bi-colour, tortoiseshells, etc)
Bronze (Copper brown, lightening to buff) Patched (Tabby,dark and light patches. Torbie)
Brown (Reduction of black, appearing brown) Peach (Pink-cream with pink-salmon markings)
Calico (American for Tortoiseshell and white) Pewter (Blue-silver tabby. Shaded silver)
Cameo (White hairs with red tips) Platinum (Silver-grey with fawn undertones)
Caramel (Red-brown also cinnamon/ blue fawn) Piebald (Black and white)
Champagne (American name for Buff-cream) Red (Orange, marmalade, or ginger)
Charcoal (Dark grey, slight dilution of black) Ruddy (Brown. Burnt sienna)
Chestnut (Rich brown, similar to chocolate) Sable (American for dark brown = seal)
Chinchilla (White hairs with coloured tips) Seal (Dark brown or sable)
Chintz (Also tortoiseshell & white or calico) Self (Uniform coat of one colour or Solid)
Chocolate (Medium to pale brown) Sepia (Dark brown coat)
Cinnamon (Reddish-brown or sorrel) Shaded (Pale hairs becoming darker near tips)
Classic (The Classic Tabby/ Blotched Tabby) Shell (Pale hairs with dark colouring on tips)
Colourpoint (Pale with darker extremities) Silver (Pale grey hairs with dark tips)
Cream (Dilution of the red coat) Smoke (Pale with extensive dark tips. Or Fume)
Dilute (A paler version of a coat colour) Solid (Uniform, of one colour or Self-coloured)
Ebony (Alternative name for black) Sorrel (Brown-orange/light brown or cinnamon)
Fawn (Light, pinkish cream) Spotted (Tabby, dark patches forming spots)
Flame (Flame-point or red point) Striped (Coat with dark lines)
Frost (Frost-point American for Lilac-point) Tabby (Patches to form blotches,stripes,spots)
Ginger (Marmalade, orange, or red) Ticked (Banded hairs = Agouti coat)
Golden (Apricot hairs with darker tips) Torbie (Tabby with darker and lighter patches)
Grey (Dilution of black. Also called blue) Tortoiseshell (Red tabby + Black Marks)
Harlequin (Bi-colour with white) Tricolour (A coat with three colours)
Lavender (Dilution of chocolate. Pinkish grey) Usual (Original colour, before any variants)
Lilac (Warm pinkish grey) Van (White with colour only on head and tail)
Lynx (Lynx-pointed or Tabby-pointed) White (Pure white with no other colours)

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