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Don't forget to send in your cat photographs, both past and present pets are welcomed. It's a great way to pay tribute to them. Whether they are still with us or not, they occupy a place in our hearts and will occupy a special place on this Web Site for as long as it is possible.

When you send in your photographs, please include some information about your cat or cats.



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This beautiful tom called Zeus was the first cat owned by Bob and Sue Barrett of King's Lynn, Norfolk, England. He was a very friendly and much-loved cat.


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This is Poppy. She is owned by Alan and Christine Hall of St Germans, Norfolk, England. Who write:

"She arrived in our garden as a "howling" kitten six years ago. We tried to find the owners but she had obviously been abandoned and decided we were her 'foster-parents'.   The day she arrived was Remembrance Sunday, hence the name "Poppy"!   She gets on well with our dog "Emmie", a black & white border collie which makes them colour co-ordinated!"

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This is Portia. Bob and Sue Barrett's present cat. Also affectionately known as "squiggly," I wonder why?


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Patch, was a wonderful cat belonging to Ann Watts of King's Lynn, Norfolk, England. "16 years of pleasure says Ann."


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Whiskey, was a friend to the whole Watts family and he gave them much pleasure during his long life.


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This is Catsanova pawing " Scary Spice." Sent to me from Gordon Catanya of  " De Poezenboot." Catsanover earned his name for being rather a one for the ladies. These are just two of the many cats who live on the barge, moored on the Singel Canal in the heart of Amsterdam.


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