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The Cats Eye Signalshatcat.gif (10474 bytes)

A cats emotional state of mind can be interpreted to some degree, by it's eye movements. Here are some of those changes:-


Greatly Enlarged Pupils - Indicating a strong emotional arousal, such as something very appealing, or intensely threatening. A cats pupils can increase from five times their previous size in less than one second.

Fully-Opened Eyes - This indicates that the cat is fully alert, and in the presence of people it does not yet, trust.

Half-Closed Eyes - The cat is relaxed, and in complete trust of its owner.

Eyes Fully-Closed - The cat is ether asleep or in a state of appeasement. When two cats are fighting and one is forced to submit, the cat will often turn away from its opponent and shut its eyes, thus blotting the frightening image from its mind. This also is a way of protecting the eyes from possible damage, the victor will also see this as a sign of capitulation.

Eyes Wide-Open, and Staring - The prolonged, direct stare is a signal of hostility in the feline world.