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If it is not your intention to breed your cat, it is a good idea to have your pet neutered, castration for a male cat and spaying for the female. The correct age varies slightly depending upon the kitten's rate of development, but is generally from three and a half months upwards for males and four and a half months upwards for females. But you should take your kitten to your veterinarian and ask his advice about this.

As your veterinary surgeon will tell you, because an anaesthetic is used, no food or drink should be given for twelve hours before the operation. Male cats normally recover slightly quicker than females as the surgery in the female is a little more involved. But if your kitten, male or female, is given light food and kept quiet for a day or two after the operation, it will soon recover and suffer no ill effects at all.

Some would say that having a cat neutered makes them become overweight and lethargic, but that is simply not true! My own cat, who was neutered as a kitten, is of normal size and is far from being lethargic. Provided your neutered cat is fed correctly, has exercise, play things to keep it from becoming bored, and your attention regularly, it will grow-up and live a normal and happy life. Also apart from the obvious benefits of unwanted kittens causing a feline population explosion, you will not have to suffer the incessant calling as your cat tries to get out of the house to find a mate. And your male cat will not have that unpleasant smell. 

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