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How Cats Can Transmit Infection


A well looked-after cat poses no serious threat to its owners health, but it is useful to be aware of possible problems. The three ways in which an infection or parasitic disease can be transmitted by a cat are:-


1 - Direct Contact

Fungi or mites from the cats fur.

2 - Scratches or Bites

Micro-organisms from the cats mouth or claws.

3 - The Faeces

Worm eggs or parasites contaminating food or fingers.



The most serious disorder that can be contracted from an infected cat is Rabies. Although not present in the UK, if bitten in a country where rabies is present, this could prove fatal if not treated immediately by a doctor.

Cat-scratch Fever

This is not a common illness but one we should be aware of, non-the-less. The symptoms usually appear three to ten days following a bite or scratch. The main sign of the illness is a swollen lymph node near the area. A fever, rash and headache may also occur. In most cases the illness clears up within two months, after treatment with painkilling drugs to relieve the fever and headache.The cat itself is not ill, and there is no need to destroy it.


Cats commonly carry the protozoan Toxoplasmagondll. This is the cause of Toxoplasmosis. A form of the parasite is present in the cat's faeces. In most cases, the infection causes few or no symptoms, but if a woman is infected during pregnancy, the parasites can gain access, via the placenta, to the foetus. [ Litter Training ]


The faeces may also carry eggs from the cat roundworm. In rare cases, if ingested, a larva from a roundworm egg may migrate and lodge in an eye, causing deterioration of vision or even blindness. This is most common in children who have been playing in sand or soil contaminated by cat or dog faeces infected with roundworm eggs.

Tinea (Ringworm)

Ringworm is a common fungal infection of the skin - particularly the scalp. Cats, unlike dogs, are hardly affected by the fungus, but it can be detected by examining the cat's fur under ultraviolet light.


Some people would like to believe that their animals do not have fleas, but you can almost guarantee that if your cat is not on  " Program Treatment " or similar, it has fleas. Fleas will jump onto humans to feed, especially in warmer weather, the bites are found commonly around the ankles and lower part of the leg.


Dander are tiny scales derived from animal skin and fur, and are present in the air. Some people are allergic to them and may suffer from asthma or urticaria when in the presence of a cat.


Indoor cats are less likely to have some of these problems, as generally, they do not eat rodents, or come into contact with other cats. But we should always practice good hygiene, particularly through washing of hands if there is any chance they are contaminated by faeces. Always keep a watch on young children who are playing with cats or other animals. If an animal is ill it should be seen by a veterinarian, and don't forget worming and flea treatment on a regular basis, particularly outdoor cats.


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